This Chart is for the Nintendo Switch LITE Model. For the Battery Life Chart for the -original- Nintendo Switch, see the link below:
And if you’re looking for the Battery Life Chart for the V2/Red Box Model with the power-efficient chip, see the link below:
**Note to Mobile (Phone) Users. You will want to use Landscape Viewing Mode to view the entire table**
This Guide is a very simple idea. I log Battery Life for all Switch Games, Apps, and Demos that I own. All of these readings will be based on readings I get from my own Switch from gameplay of these games to ensure accuracy.
Do note that this doesn’t mean these readings are 100% Accurate, but these are the readings I get on -my- Switch.
Do note that these settings are not always absolute with brightness. When it says “Low/Lower Brightness”, I set it to a brightness that is very close to the bottom, but still visible on-screen. As such, some darker-looking games may actually have the brightness a little above the Minimum during these tests. After all, who wants Battery Life for brightness settings where they won’t even be able to see the game when they’re not in a dark room?
*One last thing of note. These Battery Readings are subject to change. I do quick, prelim tests for quick updates to the list and do full testing a day or so later. Most of the readings don’t change much, but it can change. However, anything that’s been up for more than 2 days or so should be the final testing stats.